Studio One Macros

  1. MIDI Note Lenghts – select the note, and choose the Macro, which set all selected notes to the same length.

  2. Set All Notes Length to 1 (whole in 4/4)

  3. Set All Notes Length to 1/2

  4. Set All Notes Length to 1/4

  5. Set All Notes Length to 1/8

  6. Set All Notes Length to 1/16

  7. Set All Notes Length to 1/32

  8. Set All Notes Length to 1/64

  1. Chords – select the note, and choose the Macro, which makes the exact chord.

  2. X-6

  3. X-9

  4. X-add 9

  5. X-augmented

  6. X-dim 7

  7. X-dimished

  8. X-dominant 7th

  9. X-half dimished

  10. X-maj 9th

  11. X-major

  12. X-major 7th

  13. X-minor

  14. X-minor 6

  15. X-minor major7th

  16. X-minor 7 b5

  17. X-minor 7th

  18. X-minor 9

  19. X-sus 2

  20. X-sus 4 b7

  21. X-sus 4